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 From the mountains of Coamo        

PESKY ® products were conceived from a notebook of  recipes that belonged to the owners Great Aunt Emma, who lived in the  jungle mountains of Coamo, Puerto Rico. This is where she concocted remedies for various ailments and pests from the natural ingredients available to her. She shared these solutions with many in her family and many are  still used today.



Pesky Bug Stay Away Spray is  much different and more effective than the many other personal repellents  on the market. Pesky Bug Away contains the most clinically proven, effective,  natural, insect repelling ingredients in one product.

We synergistically combine the most clinically proven. natural, insect repelling ingredients in one product creating an extremely effective solution that keeps multiple species of biting insects away. Including, mosquitos, no-see-ums, ticks, fire ants, biting flies, hornets, yellow jackets and more.



Pesky Bug Away does not count on 1 or 2  ingredients and hope the bug does not like them. We count on over a  dozen scientifically proven ingredients that we know bugs do not like. It  has been tested and video documented to consistently and effectively  keep away mosquito’s, no-see-um, ticks, biting flies, fire ants, hornets and many other pesky and dangerous bugs.





  • It's a spray lotion, not sticky, oily, greasy, it dries on your skin within seconds. 
  • Safe to spray on your clothing, it will not stain
  • The only to provide sun and dry skin protection
  • Helps keep your skin hydrated, while providing it with vitamins and antioxidants to keep in protected.
  • All natural, no deet, no chemicals, pleasantly scented safe for children and pets.

Active Insect Repelling Ingredients:

Lemon Grass - Mosquitos, Ticks, No-see-um, Flies, Green Heads,

Cedar-wood - Mosquitos, No-see-um

Eucalyptus - Mosquitos, No-see-um, Ticks, Chiggers

Tea Tree - Mosquitos, Ticks No-see-um, Lice

Rosemary - Mosquitos, Ticks No-see-um, Fleas

Patchouli - Ants, Fleas, Lice, Bed bugs, Mosquitos, No-see-um, Flies

Litsea - Mosquitos, Black Flies, No-see-ums, Green Heads

Catnip - Dear Ticks, Mosquitos, No-see-um, Black Flies, Green Heads

Lavender - Mosquitos, Fleas, Flies

Citronella - Mosquitos, Ticks, No-see-um, Flies, Green Heads

Clove - No-See-Um, Mosquitos, Biting Flies, Ants, Ticks

Peppermint - No See Ums, Mosquitos, Biting Flies, Ticks, Chiggers

ALSO HAS GREAT SKIN CONDITIONING AND  HYDRATING INGREDIENTS: Aloe, Vitamin E, Jojoba, Rose Water, Sunflower  Seed Oil, White Willow Bark, Coconut Oi, Organic Neem oil


Directions for use as facial lotion: Moisturize  your face and neck with lotion every morning and/or night after you  cleanse and tone. Always moisturize your face and neck in upward  motions. Moisturizing is important for all skin types. In every step of  skin care, always use circular, upward motions with a gentle touch on  your face. Don't help gravity by tugging down on your skin, and remember  that the skin on your face loves you, so you should love it.

Directions for use as body lotion: Apply to entire body as often as needed throughout the day to hydrate and nourish the skin. Pay special attention to hands, feet, elbows and any other area of your body that is prone to dry skin.



Pesky Bug Away Spray

    More Information

    Bare Naked Kayaks

    9427 Christine Ln.

    Spring Hill, FL 34608


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